Music Lessons Interest Form

Music Lessons Interest Form

Private music lessons are a great way to boost creativity, supplement a school program or learn that instrument you or your child have always wanted to play. The Y offers private music lessons in strings, percussion, brass, woodwind, piano, and voice.  (Please inquire about any other instruments)  All lessons are one-on-one for 30 minutes each week.  Summer lessons are offered Monday through Thursday between 9 am and 8 pm – based on openings and availability.  4-week sessions are $85-member/$120nonmember


We tailor lessons to the needs of each student and strive to create well rounded musicians.  We focus on the basics along with technique, music theory, repertoire and music to fit the interests of the students.  There are two recitals a year – one in December and one in May.


Any need for books will be assessed by the instructors.  After the first lesson books can be purchased through the Y or on your own.

How do I arrange a private music lesson?

  1. Fill out our interest form.
  2. An instructor will contact you to arrange the first lessons.
  3. Sign up for your bank draft at the front desk before your lessons.

Contact Lacey Wehrli at [email protected] or (630) 552 – 4100 ext. 243 for more information 

(space is limited)

Music Lessons Interest Form

Fox Valley Central
1/1/23 - 12/31/25

Thank you for your interest in the Fox Valley Family YMCA Music Lessons. Please fill out our interest form so that we can best assess your needs. Our Music Coordinator will review your form and contact you soon to set up your lessons.  You can follow up by calling (630) 552-4100 ext. 243 (PLEASE CHECK YOUR SPAM MAIL IF YOU DON’T GET A RESPONSE)

Registration Information  

Open Close Register At MemberNon-Member
1/1/21 12/31/25 Online / Front Desk $ 0.00$ 0.00

Available Sessions

01/01/23 - 12/31/25